Joel V. webb


Recent Blog Posts

Misunderstanding Immigration and the Bible?

Misunderstanding Immigration and the Bible?

In recent days (as there has been since 2015). there has been a lot of back and forth between Christians on either side of the immigration debate. Those who I believe are true brothers & sisters in Christ hold to positions that in American politics can be found on...

The Gospel goes to Joe Rogan

The Gospel goes to Joe Rogan finally happened. Wes Huff's interview on the Rogan Experience podcast aired tonight. Since the beginning of the situation between Wes and Bill Carson (you can read my take HERE), the internet exploded with people calling for Wes to appear on Rogan's...

How to Return from Exile

How to Return from Exile

Yesterday I preached my last sermon at Blue Water Free Methodist being on staff before I move on to what is next. (More to come on this in the near future). I felt to write down, and expand on what I spoke on in a blog post. You can listen to the sermon HERE. Jeremiah...

Against the World

Against the World

"If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world: - St. Athanasius Something that I have been reflecting on the last couple weeks is how we in the Church try to interact with the world. There have been in recent years strong currents seeking to have the...

What in the Mark?

What in the Mark?

Revelation 13:15-18 NET, The second beast was empowered to give life to the image of the first beast so that it could speak, and could cause all those who did not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He also caused everyone (small and great, rich and poor,...

Constant Catechesis

Constant Catechesis

 "Monkey see, Monkey do" is a phrase that all of us have heard, and we all understand. We are always learning and imitating what is going on around us. I just became a dad, and while my baby son is too little to really imitate me, I know the things going on...

In Rememberance of Me

In Rememberance of Me

 Of the two sacraments practiced in the Protestant tradition, the one that continues on throughout the believer's life is that of the Eucharist (or the Lord's Supper, Communion). Eucharist simply means thanksgiving from the Greek, which derives from the...

Conversion of a Credobaptist

Conversion of a Credobaptist

  This might ruffle some feathers. Like most (if not all) Western Evangelicals I was baptized when I was a bit older (for me at 16). While I made a profession of faith at 4 or 5 years old, general practice was not until someone was a bit older to make the public...

Hi, my names is Joel

I’m a pastor who believes in the transformational power of the Gospel. In our day and age, with so much polarization, the Church is called to be the middle way between lawlessness and legalism.The Christian witness has been found through our history, and can be our guide, along with Scripture and the witness of the Holy Spirit into our future.

Our world is longing for something more, and I believe that a Church which is renchanted by the Gospel message can point people to Christ to see the transformation that only He brings.

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