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Oneness, but not Sameness

  Family is messy and complicated. Blood runs thicker than water as you know, and we don't choose the family that we have. So what is the most necessary thing for a healthy family? Is it a well ordered structure where the authority lines are abundantly clear and no one gets out of line with the tune everyone plays? Not really. That sort of family culture breeds contempt and hurt. Rather the most important thing for a family is honesty and truth. Unity is not about sameness, but about oneness. Being together, unified. And the only way that happens is when there is open honestly and everyone is on the same page. The opposite of this is playing a game of wack-a-mole when someone steps out of line. One of the best examples of this I know of is from the TV show Blue Bloods. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it. The show follows a large family, all either working in or around the NYPD. The patriarch is the current police commissioner, the grandpa is a former poli

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