Position and Posture
What do we do? What is our path forward?
The question among most faithful Christians is "do we have the right position?" This is an important question to ask. Is the position we have truly grounded in a faithful interpretation of Scripture. Are we in line with what Christians have believed for most of our history and is it in line with God's story seen in Scripture.
I don't think for most of us this is the issue. For many we seem to be inside the big tent of orthodoxy. Yes, we don't all line up exactly on every single issue, but overall, we are in agreement about the big stuff.
So, then what is the problem? Why is it that in some towns there needs to be 2 pastor's prayer groups. Not because of schedule, but because some feel they can't be in the same room praying as others. Why are we so quick to circle the wagons when our issue of choice comes up?
This comes down to not being an issue of position, but of posture. We spend so much time making sure we are thinking the way Jesus wants me to think about this thing (which does have importance), and taking no time to think "how would Jesus have gone about this?"
If we are honest, we realize that in most cases we would be with the group of people who were ready to stone the woman in adultery. How many of us would truly be the ones standing in the way of that. Yes, we are to follow Jesus faithfully in all things. Though we seem to get that confused with living our lives with rigid legalism, that if no one lines up then "TO HECK WITH EM".
The last couple days I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. This side of new creation we are ALL going to image Christ imperfectly. No matter how hard we try, or how good we think out theology is, it's going to be imperfect.
Maybe what needs to happen in a world that is rife with conflict, and people going to either side of the spectrum on any given issue to be the person standing in the middle. Yes, having a position that is consistent with a faithful Christian witness, that does not compromise the truth. And a posture that is loving and merciful, being a healing balm to a world that is hurting and in search of something more than the next talking point.