Translation Wars

Translation Wars

 This last weekend I went to Washington D.C with my wife to lead a bus for an organization called Passages Israel which provides trips to Israel for Chrisitan college students. these trips highlight the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, explore the history of Chrisitan-Jewish relations and provides an honest and in-depth look at the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The terrorist attack on Oct. 7th led to Passages launching a D.C trip to fill in the gap until tours in the country were open.

Part of the trip is visiting the Museum of the Bible (MOTB).If you have not visited this amazing museum yet, DO IT! It is worth the trip to DC alone.

In the entire museum one of my favorite rooms is the translation room. In it they have almost every language the Bible is translated on one shelf, with the rest of the room representing languages that have partial translations, portions translated, in process, or no translation in process at all (pictured above). The thing that struck me this time was the realization that with few exceptions, most languages in the world only have a single translation. That’s it! 1 translation of the Bible. While in English there is an insane plethora of translations spanning the spectrum of word-for-word and thought-for-thought. The thing in particular that struck me is the frank ridiculousness of the “translation wars” that is a constant back and forth within Western Christianity.

We have everything from the KJV as the only perfect translation for the English language, to some in the NAR hyper-Pentecostal camp producing the heretical translation known as the Passion Translation (TPT). With the exception of the latter mentioned Bible version (that is not a translation by any serious Biblical scholar) the best translation is the one you will read. I grew up reading the KJV, and now find myself often using the NLT and the NIV for personal devotion, study an preaching.  

But in the big picture we have to realize that the majority of modern translations are excellent. And in comparison, those who speak English are amazingly blessed! In many nations and languages there is only one translation of the Scripture into their heart language, and in some cases that’s if they even can get a copy because the Bible is illegal as our brothers and sisters in Christ face persecution.

All of this to say, whichever English translation you utilize, consider it a blessing that you have it. Consider the ability you have to choose a specific translation a humble honor and that you are the part of a minuscule minority across the world and history that has the ability to bicker about what translation you get to use.

Ultimately the Bible is the means by which we come to know Christ. The Bible in and of itself is not God. Yes, it is His perfect revelation to mankind concerning who He is. It shows us, a broken humanity the way to the One who gives us new life and salvation in the perfect and loving God who created all things. Christ is the Word (the logos), but the words on the page before us is not God, and we need to be careful not to confuse to two.

Find a Bible that you will read. Read it often, read it deeply, read it for all its worth, study its challenging words and ask the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer to make you more like Jesus which it all points to. In this be humble, and pray for those who do the important work of translating the word of life for people who will ever only likely have one Bible to ever choose from…if they can get a copy. 

Pruned or Rotting?

Pruned or Rotting?

An image that is used in Scripture, and by extension preaching is the idea of being pruned. When a plant grows, sometimes the way that it is growing does not contribute, but actually takes away from the fruit production of the plant. Jesus talked a lot about the fruit we produce, and it’s importance for the Kingdom. We know for all of us that there may be things (even if they are good) that need to be pruned and removed so that we can actually be the most fruitful.

This principle is pretty accepted across the board as part of Christian growth, and can be applied not just to individuals, but to organizations like churches and denominations as well. The message of the Gospel never changes. And sometimes the structure, organization or method that we proclaim that message needs to be modified or adapted to be more effective. Cut off the excess to bear more fruit. This is normal and expected. As the world around us changes so do the methods and way things look.

But this is not always the case. We often ask the question (personally or corporately), “there’s not a lot of fruit, so there needs to be pruning”, or similarly ask, “things seem really small and cut back, maybe were preparing for fruit!” And these certainly could be legitimate. We could be in a season where things have been hacked back to prepare for new growth that will bear fruit. But sometimes things being small is not because of pruning…it can be because of rot.

Something my pastor has said before, “we often say if there is opposition that it must be the enemy. But we never ask the question, what if it is God?” WHAT? How could God be the one opposing us if we are His people? Very simply, He will if we are not bearing the message of the Gospel and representing His Kingdom. 

If we (individually or corporately) acting as ambassadors of Christ’s Kingdom do so in a way that actually harms, abuses and hurts people, do we think that the Lord would support that? Yes, He is long suffering and great in His mercy. AND THANK HIM FOR THAT!! Because we all need His mercy. But even Israel was eventually judged for their injustice and evil committed.

There are sadly so many examples of churches that while bearing Christ’s name have used it to domineer, control and tell people what to do. These places are hiding holes for spiritual, emotional and sexual abuse. And while many of these organizations had their hayday (IBLP etc…) the abuse and fruit become evident very quickly. When people start leaving when they realize what is going on the response often inside these organizations is just like the false prophets of the Old Testament who opposed any message that was not positive. 

I recently heard such a message from an organization I am very familiar with that has demonstrated many of these qualities. Their message will often be “God is pruning us so we can be ready to bear fruit!!!” The expectation of some kind of revival around the corner that will fill their seats because they are small. 

Is this a possibility? It could be. But we also need to ask, could it be for the other reason that instead of being pruned we are actually rotting? Have we, or I for so long refused to look at the truth of what is going on around me and am sadly self-deceived into thinking whats actually happening is God preparing to move through us, rather than against us?

I ultimately believe that God is for us, and He loves us. Scripture makes that abundantly clear. And, He also opposes those who oppresses and hurt the helpless, and misrepresent His name. So it is a possibility that it could be God allowing the fruit of out tree to bloom to show other to steer clear. As Jesus said, “you shall know them by their fruit” (Matt. 7:15-20). 

What can we or should we do? We should all pray and ask the Lord to open our eyes through His Holy Spirit to the blind spots in our lives. If pride or deception has blinded me it is impossible to see on my own. I need the help of the Holy Spirit, through my brothers and sisters in Christ to lovingly tell me where I have erred and where there is rot, so I can subject it to the loving work of Jesus to change and transform.

This can happen in a corporate setting as well. It is and will be painful if it ever happens at all, but it is worth the pain because of the gain in Jesus.

I humbly pray this for myself, and for all of us to know the one who took our place.